Bird Hat Grift Club


Bird Hat Grift Club is a project from New Zealand-based artist Joshua Drummond.

Stemming from an essay that was critical of cryptocurrencies and and NFTs, Josh built and entire NFT project to give the crypto-bros a chance to prove him wrong. A follow-up essay gives more details on the project and the aims.

If you would like to support Josh's work you can purchase his artwork or support his Patreon.

For the record, the team at Purple Numbat are in complete agreement: NFTs are a grift.


There are currently two BHGC applications for iOS and iPadOS:

  • Build-A-Bird
  • Message Stickers


Download on the App Store graphic

Love birds in hats? Want your own? This is the app for you!

Let the app create a completely random bird (with hat!) for you, or make your dream bird (with dream hat!) by choosing the features that you want.

Sample screen shot of the Build-A-Bird app

Build-A-Bird can be downloaded from the Apple App Store.

Message Stickers

Need more birds (with hats!) in your text messages? This sticker pack celebrates those birds who have been freed from the tyranny of the blockchain. Set them free in your messages!

The sticker pack is currently in open beta. You can join via Test Flight.

The copyright of all artwork is owned by Joshua Drummond, and was used with his permission. You are free to share your bird creations, but they must never be minted as an NFT, or used in any purpose related to promoting NFTs or cryptocurrency.

Privacy policy

Neither Build-A-Bird application nor the sticker pack collect any user data at all. Keep your data, we don't want it.

Note that using beta applications via Test Flight may collect some data about your device type and configuration if an application crash occurs. No personally identifiable data is collected in this process. Your device will ask if you want to submit crash data. While we'd appreciate it, it's not compulsory.


Application issues? We're here to help!


Drop a note to with a full description of what's not working and we'll get you sorted.


Post any questions or comments in the #app channel on the BHGC Discord server. Anyone can join.

This article was updated on August 27, 2022